Product reference

Details on Mass General Brigham Health Plan products.


Click the links below to jump to the product description and view a sample member ID card.


Standard plans
Coverage offered by employers or purchased by individuals.

Mass General Brigham plans
Coverage available to employees of Mass General Brigham.

Qualified health plans (QHP) 
Affordable plans providing essential health benefits for members.

Additional plans
Additional plans offered by employers. 

Medicaid and Medicare plans
Coverage for individuals who meet specific age, disability, and/or income criteria. 

Complete HMO plans

Our Complete HMO plans offer access to our extensive provider network. Members must designate a PCP to manage their medical care and issue referrals.


Complete PPO Plus plans

Complete PPO Plus members have in-network access to our network within our MA/NH service area and access to PHCS networks in NH, plus access to the United Healthcare Options PPO network outside our MA/NH service area.


Mass General Brigham employee plans

Members have a Mass General Brigham Core PPO, Select PPO, Plus PPO, Premium EPO, or HDHP PPO with HSA plan. Members of these plans have access to the full Mass General Brigham Health Plan network, plus the UnitedHealthcare Options PPO network nationwide.


Complete Access EPO

Complete Access EPO is a high-value national network that offers members access to leading doctors and hospitals, no matter where they live in the U.S. Members in MA and NH have access to the Mass General Brigham Health Plan network and PHCS networks, and members outside MA/NH can seek care from the UnitedHealthcare Options PPO network.

Visit our provider FAQ for more information.


Allies & Allies Choice HMO

Designed to make high-quality care more affordable and accessible. Members will receive care at a top community hospital and get support from health navigators who ensure quicker access to care. 


Qualified health plans (QHP)

Affordable plans that provide essential health benefits for members. These plans are available through the Massachusetts Health Connector. 

Complete HMO plan - Health Connector

This is our full network product available through the MA Health Connector. Members must choose a PCP to manage their care and issue referrals.

Select HMO plan - Health Connector

Select HMO members have in-network access to our new Select HMO network. Members will have access to comprehensive benefits at a lower cost through this limited network of high-quality providers.


Complete PPO Plus - Health Connector

Complete PPO Plus members have in- and out-of-network coverage with no referrals needed for specialty care.


Choice Easy Tier plans

Members have access to our full network, but hospitals fall into two tiers. The tiers determine what cost share the member pays. Available as a PPO Plus and HMO product.


Value HMO plan

The Value HMO network is designed to help ensure access to the highest quality care with the greatest value for City of Boston employees and retirees. Members have access to a limited provider network featuring many of the state’s leading hospitals.


Complete HMO plan (GIC)

Our Complete HMO plan for members of the Group Insurance Commission offers access to our extensive provider network. Members must designate a PCP to manage their medical care and issue referrals.


Mass General Brigham ACO

Mass General Brigham Health Plan is proud to provide MassHealth insurance coverage to members of Mass General Brigham ACO.

Visit our provider FAQ for more information.


Medicare Balance

With Medicare Balance, members may access medical care from any provider who accepts Medicare payment. There is no provider network and no requirements for patients to have a Primary Care Physician, referrals, or prior authorizations.


Contact us

Our Provider Service team is here to answer any of your questions Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closed 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.

Call: 855-444-4647
